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Russian Kamikaze Drones Hit Kyiv, UN Slams Putin's Annexations, US Drone Behind Kerch Bridge Blast?


West Rushes Air Defence Units To Ukraine

Russian Kamikaze Drones hit Kyiv Oblast 

U.S Drone behind crimea bridge explosion?

UN Condemns Russia Annexation of Ukrainian regions 

Kyiv  oblast Governor Oleksiy Kuleba said that Russian Forces targeted one of the communities with Kamikaze drones . Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych said that Russian forces hit a five-story residential building overnight on October 13 .

Russian Kamikaze Drones Hit Kyiv, UN Slams Putin's Annexations, US Drone Behind Kerch Bridge Blast?

Sienkevych added that Russian forces heavily shelled the city of mykolaiv overnight . Ukraine said that Russian launched a total of three missile strikes four airstrikes and up to 10 MLRS attacks on October 12 .

Kyiv force said that Russian troops also attacked Chernihiv, Sumy , Zaporizhzhia and other regions. Ukraine air defense force said that it shot down two Russian “Aerial Targets”  in Rivne and Zhytomyr regions.

Ukraine air force said that it launched 27 strikes on Russian position and shot down 10 Iranian shahed drones on October 12 . Ukraine also claimed to have shot down two kamikaze drones over the Vinnytsia region .

Meanwhile zelensky said that protecting Ukraine airspace is the most Important humanitarian task for Europe .

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Volodymyr Zelensky( President Ukraine )

“Another meeting took place in the format of the defense “Ramstein” Quite productive . First of all they discussed providing our country with anti aircraft and anti missile defense systems. The more audacious and cruel Russian terror becomes the more obvious . 


It is to the world that helping Ukraine to protect the sky is one of the most important humanitarian tasks for Europe of our time. I believe  that we will cope this task.”

Zelensky also vowed to nuetralise the “Russian Terror Machine”  and those who torture common Ukrainians .Meanwhile Ukraine claimed that it has liberated at least 75 settlements in the kherson region since the starts of the counteroffensive.

Ukraine said that it has been able to liberate 29 settlements in kherson in October alone .

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Ukraine To Get More Air Defense Systems 

Several Western Union nations have committed to send air defense systems to Ukraine days after putin missile blitz . UK defense Secretary been wallace said his country will deliver Amraam missile to Ukraine .

Ben Wallace (UK Defense Secretary )

Russia Latest indiscrimination strikes on civilians areas in Ukraine Warrant further support to those seeking to defend their nations . So today I have authorised the supply of Amraam Anti-Aircraft missiles to Ukraine .

These weapons will help Ukraine defends its skies attacks and strengthen their overall missile defence alongside the US Nasam”.

According to a a Reuters report France is likely to send Crotale short-range anti-air missiles to Ukraine . US Defense officials are reportedly considering sending Patriot air defense system to Ukraine .

Meanwhile German has pledged to hand over more Pzh 2000 Self-propelled howitzers and MARS II MLRs to Ukraine . Canada has announced a new military package for Ukraine which includes ammunition and communications equipments .Canada military Aid package also includes winter clothing , armoured and artillery systems .

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US Drones Behind Kerch Bridge Explosion?

Molfar , a global open-source intelligence community claims that a US drone might have been behind the Crimea bridge explosions. The community that analysed the attack refuted the Kremlin narrative that the bridge was destroyed using a truck bomb. 

Independent expert from Molfar say that CCTV footage shows a white object between two pillars of the bridge . Molfar report said that there is a possibility that the bridge was destroyed using a water drone .

The report said that a water drone for special  operations was already found in the coast of Sevastopol . The Molfar report suggests that the US might have delivered the water drones to Ukraine in april .

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NATO Warning To Russia On Nuclear Strike 

A Senior  NATO Official has warned that a Russia nuclear strike could trigger a “Physical Response” from NATO . The official quoted by Reuters said that any use of nuclear weapons would have “unprecedented consequences “For Russia .

US Condemns Russia Annexation Of Ukrainian Regions 

The United Nations General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to condemn Russia attempts to annex four regions of Ukraine . The resolution was supported by 143 countries while 35 states -including China and India-abstained Although symbolic it was the highest number of votes against Russia since the invasion .

Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky said he was grateful to the countries that supported it .

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Volodymyr's Zelensky (President Ukraine)

The world had its say (Russia ) attempts at annexations are worthless and will never be recognised by free nations”.

US President Joe Biden said that the UNGA vote has sent a ‘Clear Message ‘ To Moscow . US ambassador to the UN , Linda Thomas-Greenfield also slammed Russia annexation of Ukrainian regions .

The Russian envoy to the UN Vasily Nebenzya defended the annexation saying that the vote was taken in accordance with international law .

Russia and four other countries Belarus , North Korea , Syria and Nicaragua -voted against the resolution .

Zelensky Seeks More Aid For Ukraine 

Ukrainian President Zelensky has called on the international monetary fund and the World Bank to provide more aid to his country .”

Meanwhile the French president has asked Putin to “Return to the table” and stop the war in Ukraine .

Putin to Discuss Peace Options with Erdogan ?

Putin has set to meet his Turkish counterpart recep Tayyib Erdogan on the sidelines of a regional summit in Kazakhstan . Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said the Turkish president may propose ideas for peace for Russia war in Ukraine .Ushakove told reporters on October 12 that a very interesting and I hope useful discussion awaits us”.


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