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Putin rules out use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine amid war; 'Dangerous, unpredictable'

 Putin chilling proclamation to west amid intense war in Ukraine . Putin speaking at annual Valdai club forum in Moscow said that coming decade will be “The most dangerous” since end of World War II .

Putin rules out use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine amid war; 'Dangerous, unpredictable'

Russian president Vladimir Putin added that “World Currently stands at a historical frontier”. Putin dangerous decade “ Proclamation came hours after Russia conducted nuke drills.

Russian president defended the war in Ukraine saying that Russia is only trying to defend its “Right to Exist” as west attempts to destroy his country . 

Russian president blamed west for stoking nuclear tensions and predicted that historical period of west undivided dominance is coming to an end .

There was neithe rpolitical nor military need of nukes in Ukraine  .

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“The historical period of undivided dominance of the west in the world affairs is coming to an end . The unipolar world is becoming a thing of the past . We stand at a historical frontier . The west is not able to single-handedly govern humanity but is desperately trying to do it . Mos to of the people of the world no longer want to put up with it . This is where lays the main contradiction of the new era. In the words of a classic the situation is revolutionary to certain degree .

The elites are not capable and the people are not willing to live like that” .

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