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U.S. Army admits to Ukraine's inability to defeat Putin-led Russia; 'Low probability...'

 US military has virtually admitted that Ukraine cannot expel Russian forces from its territory . The admission came from none other than Pentagon joint chiefs Chair General Mark Milley .


U.S. Army admits to Ukraine's inability to defeat Putin-led Russia; 'Low probability...'

Gen Milley said there was a low probability that Ukraine can militarily force Russia to leave all of the Ukrainian territory it occupies including annexed Crimea .This is Russia intensifies its strikes On Ukraine energy infrastructure leading to power blackouts .

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General Milley Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff 

The probability of a Ukrainian military victory defined as kicking the Russians out of all of Ukraine to include what they define or what they claim as Crimea . The probability of that happening anytime soon is not high militarily .

They have lost strategically . They have lost operationally and I repeat they lost tactically . What they have tired to do they failed at .They started this war and Russia can end this war. 

Russia can make another choice and they can make a choice today to end this war. Russia is choosing to use their time to attempt to regroup their forcesand they are imposing a campaign of terror .

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A campaign of maximum suffering on the Ukrainian civilian population. In order to defeat Ukrainian morale . The deliberate targeting of the civilian power grid causing excessive collateral damage and unnecessary suffering on the civilian population is  war crime. 

With the onset of winter Families will be without power and more importantly without heat . Basic human survival and substances is going to be severely impacted and human suffering for the Ukrainian population is going to increase .

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