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'Animal eyes' sent to Ukrainian embassies in 'bloody' packs ring alarm; Putin's Diplomatic Terror?


Ukrainian Embassy Around The World Receive “Bloody Packages”

Letter bombs and animal parts in “Bloody Package Raise Alert”

Kyiv place overseas Diplomats in a state of heightened security 

'Animal eyes' sent to Ukrainian embassies in 'bloody' packs ring alarm; Putin's Diplomatic Terror?

Nearly half a dozen Ukrainian embassies across Europe reported receiving ‘Bloody Packages”  . Officials in Ukraine have called it a well planned campaign of intimidation and terror . 

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Ukrainian diplomats around the world received letters containing explosives as well as animal parts . In these packages raising suspicion about links to Russia .

Embassies in the Netherlands , Poland , Croatia , Italy and Austria as well as at consulates in Naples and Brno in the Czech republic targeted by packages .

A Ukrainian officials in Rome said the parcel at her embassy contained a fish eye . Czech police said that the envelope in Brno contained some sort of animal tissues .

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All packages were reportedly soaking in a liquid with a distinctive color and smell . We are studying the meaning of this message Kyiv foreign ministry said on Fb .

The bloody missive follow 6 letters bombs sent to addresses in Spain including the Ukraininan embassy US embassy and Prime minister Pedro Sanchez .

The police in the Spanish capital cordoned off the area and launched a search operation .

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