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Putin: Following the agreements in Prague and Brussels, anti-terror actions in Karabakh were necessary.

 Putin after the Prague and Brussels agreements anti-terrorist measures in carabat were inevitable Russian president Wladimir Putin spoke about the local anti-terrorist measures held by aaban in carabat on September the 19th Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the valde international

 discussion Club according to him what happened after the agreements reached in Prague and Brussels was inevitable that's why Mr Michelle and his colleagues should have thought about this when they persuaded Armenian prime minister pashinyan to take such a step they should have thought about the fate of carabat Armenians at least they should have mentioned something what awaits Armenians of carabat in this situation in the integration of carabat into the state of aaban how their security and their rights will be ensured but there is nothing there the statement states that caraba is an integral part of aaban that's it what should we do if Armenia itself made such a decision what did we do we used what we had in the legal sense to ensure the humanitarian situation as you know our people died there by the way when defending carabat Armenians our peacekeepers we provided them with humanitarian and Medical Aid we got them out let our European colleagues at least send humanitarian Aid to the unfortunate people I think they will however it is necessary to think about their fate in the long term we support Armenians leaving caraba Armenia continues to be our Ally Putin said . 

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