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Russian general is dismissed for unprepared defense in Bakmut

 Russian general was fired for unprepared  defense in bhagmat Institute for the study of War isw has updated its first of October assessment that Ukrainian forces lost positions in the trench system Southwest of robertine geographic footage released on the 2nd of October and satellite imagery indicate that Ukrainian forces regained these positions sometime between the 12th and 17th of September and are

 currently holding them in addition according to military analysts Ukrainian troops have advanced slightly in the area of the border of Donetsk and zaparizio oblasts and nearbymut on the 2nd of October Russian troops continued their offensive on the abdif khadenets line and advanced the Russian military claimed the capture of several Ukrainian positions near siren keramic and stepov on the first and second of October

Also read this  Russian Navy defeated in Black Sea

 Ukraine's general staff reported that Ukrainian forces repelled Russian attacks east of according to the isw Ukrainian forces marginally advanced in the Donetsk zaparizio oblast border area and near bakmut on the 2nd of October a Russian storm Zed assault unit instructor speculated that the Russian Ministry of Defense removed Lieutenant General Andrei sashavoy from commanding the bhagmut direction due to his poor performance Russian sources reported that Lieutenant General Andrew cyshavoy was blamed for

 unprepared unorganized and ineffective human waves counter-attacks on clichievka and Andrew yifka that led to unsustainable losses and further collapse of the defense line and was fired and as claimed by the Russian sources he was not just fired a group of people unexpectedly showed up at his office took him out and no one has seen him since interestingly this was done so fast that no formal transfer of responsibility has been done .

Also read this On October 3rd, Ukrainians attacked Novoprokopivka and destroyed 14 tanks and armoured fighting vehicles.

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