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Ukraine stores electricity transmission supplies abroad in expectation of winter attacks

Ukraine stores electricity transmission supplies abroad in expectation of winter attacks preparing for a new attack on the Energy System Ukraine will manufacture or order 100 new high voltage Transformers to replace those destroyed by Russian attacks most of them are stored abroad The Economist media Outlet reported this 100 new high voltage Transformers have been ordered half to be produced domestically and

Also read this On October 3rd, Ukrainians attacked Novoprokopivka and destroyed 14 tanks and armoured fighting vehicles.

 half procured abroad but attacks on Ukrainian factories have meant that few domestic ones have actually been made as they arrive the foreign ones will be kept safe in Poland and Romania until they are needed the article says The Economist writes that Ukrainian Engineers did a good job they have developed unique schemes for Distributing electricity and Equipment throughout the country also after the modernization many old but only recently decommissioned Transformers remained in Ukraine which can be reconnected

 if necessary Hermann halushenko the minister of energy of Ukraine says Ukraine now has much experience dealing with large-scale attacks but he expects the Russian to also learn from their experience of failing to disrupt the system the country needs more air defense systems halushenko says . 

Also read this  Russian Navy defeated in Black Sea

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