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US and Iran are already on the edge of war

 the United States and Iran are already on the edge of War President Joe Biden warned Iran's supreme leader that the US would respond if Iran or its Allied proxies attacked us service members stationed in the Middle East speaking at a joint news conference with Australian prime minister Anthony albanes at the

 White House Biden said my warning to the Ayatollah was that if they continue to move against these troops we will respond and he should be prepared the comments come on the heels of several attacks against US troops and military installations in the Middle East since the outbreak of a war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas which has long received financial and logistical support from Tran Pentagon officials have echoed that we will always maintain the inherent right of self-defense and if there is a response should we choose to have one we would do that at a time and place of our choosing Brigadier General Pat Ryder told we are preparing for this escalation  both in terms of defending our forces and responding decisively he said the war between Israel and Hamas is bad but it could get much worse more so than any Arab Israeli crisis since 1973 this conflict has the potential to expand and intensify pulling in actors across the region and Beyond The Nightmare scenario is that the current fight becomes a larger conflagration involving the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah Iran and the US preventing that escalation is Washington's top priority that won't be easy if recent events are any guide the US has powerful means of controlling the conflict if it is willing to use them but even in an optimistic scenario the regional turbulence this war generates won't Abate anytime soon. 

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